Broker Check

National Ethics Association Member

The National Ethics Bureau is a membership organization of Insurance & Financial Professionals who have submitted themselves to the most comprehensive background checks in the industry. This allows consumers to feel more confident & obtain peace of mind knowing that they are choosing a Trusted Business Professional with a proven record of: Strong Ethics, Exemplary Business Practices, Superb Customer Service, Strict Integrity, & Fiduciary Duty to Clients.


In todays Financial World TRUST is a must… Now, more than ever, there is an increased need to know who you can trust in the Financial Services Industry. By choosing an Approved Member of the National Ethics Bureau you will gain the added assurance of knowing that you are working with a Trusted Business Professional who has successfully passed the “Ethics Check System.”  The “Ethics Check System” is a comprehensive series of background checks that Members have successfully passed regarding any criminal, civil, & business violations.


Looking to build a foundation of trust with their clients by allowing for due diligence & promoting transparency, C.B. Financial Insurance Services, Inc. has been a registered member of the National Ethics Bureau from 2005 to present day. Please feel free to learn more about us by visiting the National Ethics Association website.